Garments & Garments

Every Thursday Evening @ 6pm
The Sewing Labs

Garment & Garments. Discover the world of sewing with Commercial patterns such as McCall's, Simplicity, Butterick, Vogue, Kwik Sew and more. This class consists of students at different levels of sewing experience
This course covers:
* Body measurements & sizing.
* Pattern selection.
* Proper fabric selection, interfacing, notions & more
* Understanding the commercial pattern Learn to use the pattern for layout & cutting, marking, and construction.

After your initial garment you can build on these skills and explore
* Sleeves - raglan, set- in, different shapes
* Pockets, cuffs and collars
* Waistbands & zippers, casing and elastic
* Incorporating linings
* Sewing with special fabrics

You will choose your own pattern & fabrics with guidance from instructors. First garment selected will be of simple design.
We have a limited fabric stash that you can use or bring your own.
Re-sign up as many times as you want. Thursday evenings 6-8 pm
Sessions run 6 weeks , 2 hr sessions