Go Green Sewing - Un-paper towels

Tuesday, April 14, 2020
6:00 pm8:00 pm
The Sewing Labs

Instructor: Alli Lindemann

Go Green by using your sewing skills to reduce waste throughout your home! This class will focus on creating a set of Un-Paper Towels, great for replacing disposable paper products in your kitchen! The towels are made with terry cloth and cotton to be absorbent and stylish, and they snap together for rolling up on an old paper towel tube. We will use sergers and snap setters to create this project. Color of terry will be white or off white - subject to supply on hand Backing fabrics will be chosen from our stash or bring your own - 1 yd. needed. All materials and snaps included to make 8 towels

Additional green sewing projects are in the works for future dates!