November 2022

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Tuesday, November 1, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am
526 Campbell
Kansas City, MO 64106

Basic Sewing - Phase 1 - This course if for a beginner who has never sewn before or for someone who has not sewn for awhile and needs a refresher course. You will learn to operate a domestic sewing machine including threading, basic operation and safety & maintenance. You will also learn the tools of the trade and more while making some simple projects & a tool caddy. Each week you will learn a new skill and you will have home practice work to complete. At the end of this course you can earn a certification thru testing. This course is also part of our Sewing Salon program - for employment, entrepreneurship and enrichment.

This course will be lead by Cali Roberta on Saturdays & Robert Lackie - on week days -Classroom Instructors for Domestic machine.

All materials and supplies are included with this course. You can use our machines & tools or bring your own to learn with.

This course will get you back to sewing and then you can continue to more courses for additional certificates or just for self enrichment.
Limited Scholarships are available - please fill our scholarship form or contact us directly for more information.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Tuesday, November 1, 2022
6:00 pm8:00 pm

Learn to make half square triangles while crafting this fun "twisted" table runner. This is a intermediate project that will be great to decorate your house or give as a gift.

Instructors: Mary Nelson & Annette Hosmann
All materials supplied - you choose colors and prints
4 sessions Fee $100

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
9:00 am1:00 pm

Longarm Quilt Operator Training - learn to operate the Gammill Statler Stitcher or Gammill Class Stitch Regulated Free Motion machine. This course is required if you want to rent our machines.
You will learn:
* Preparing your quilt
* Preparing the machine
* Loading your quilt
* Gammill Statler Stitcher CAD system
* Gammill Classic Stitch Regulated - Hand driven quilting
* Off loading your quilt
* Tips & Tricks & recommendations

What to Bring to Class
* Face Mask - if desired for COVID
* a willingness to learn and make mistakes
* Bring snack if wanted
* You will learn on practice fabric - you can bring a quilt for discussion but, it may or may not be used for instruction

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks.

The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur.

You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program.
Limited Scholarships are available.

Training Program Fee $4,500
** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
5:30 pm8:00 pm

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks. The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur. You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program. Limited Scholarships are available. Training Program Fee $4,500 ** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Thursday, November 3, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Basic Sewing – Phase 1 Part 2 – Building on the skills learned in Part 1 or start where you are.
You will learn seams and seam finishes and then apply this to simple projects.
Learn hems types while making an apron and finally learn buttonholes, hook and snap closures.

Earn a certification thru testing, if wanted. All materials provided. (Sewing Machine Operation or Basic Sewing Part 1 required)
9 sessions of 2.5 hrs. Fee $270

Thursday, November 3, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Friday, November 4, 2022
10:00 am3:00 pm

Open Stitch Fridays - This is a time for you to come together to stitch. Bring your own projects of sewing, quilting, knitting, crochet, weaving, embroidery, other fiber arts to work on. You can use our stash, our domestic sewing machines, tools etc. NO instruction is offered but, there just might be someone else in the room to ask.
Domestic Machines are available - NO Industrial machines offered.

Event occurs most Fridays from 10-3
FREE to the public - ages 10 - beyond (children under 13 must be accompanies by an adult and be working on project)

Friday, November 4, 2022
4:30 pm8:00 pm

Rent a Longarm Quilting Machine to Quilt yourself!
To rent a machine you must first attend a Longarm Quilt Machine Operator Training. These classes are generally offered each month. Seats are limited - check our class schedule on the website.

Once you have taken the Operator Training - and been approved to now quilt yourself you can Rent the Longarm machines.
Machine Rental Fees
* Block of 2 hours = $50 minimum
* $15 for each additional hour - time charged in 15m increments
* Fee does not include batting, backing or binding - batting can be purchased for $12 per yd.
* All rental times require pre-registration - NO drop ins!
* Statler Quilting - E2E patterns to choose from

For more inforamtion call 816-888-3051

Saturday, November 5, 2022
1:00 pm3:30 pm
526 Campbell
Kansas City, MO 64106

Basic Sewing - Phase 1 - This course if for a beginner who has never sewn before or for someone who has not sewn for awhile and needs a refresher course. You will learn to operate a domestic sewing machine including threading, basic operation and safety & maintenance. You will also learn the tools of the trade and more while making some simple projects & a tool caddy. Each week you will learn a new skill and you will have home practice work to complete. At the end of this course you can earn a certification thru testing. This course is also part of our Sewing Salon program - for employment, entrepreneurship and enrichment.

This course will be lead by Cali Roberta on Saturdays & Robert Lackie - on week days -Classroom Instructors for Domestic machine.

All materials and supplies are included with this course. You can use our machines & tools or bring your own to learn with.

This course will get you back to sewing and then you can continue to more courses for additional certificates or just for self enrichment.
Limited Scholarships are available - please fill our scholarship form or contact us directly for more information.

Monday, November 7, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks.

The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur.

You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program.
Limited Scholarships are available.

Training Program Fee $4,500
** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Intro to Garments - This course takes you from Basic Sewing into Garment Elements and Construction. You will be introduced to patterns, fabric & fiber types. You will learn to decipher sewing vocabulary gaining understanding and making samples of facings & linings, curved seams and corners, darts, tucks and gathers. You will learn the proper way to cut out a garment while making a simple top. This course involves a lot of sewing and sewing homework to assure your success.

Course consists of 10 weeks of 2.5 hour sessions
All materials included with course - you can choose fabric for top from our stash or provide your own. More information will be given during course.

Course Fee - $300.00

Monday, November 7, 2022
5:30 pm8:00 pm

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks. The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur. You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program. Limited Scholarships are available. Training Program Fee $4,500 ** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Tuesday, November 8, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Tuesday, November 8, 2022
6:00 pm8:00 pm

Learn to make half square triangles while crafting this fun "twisted" table runner. This is a intermediate project that will be great to decorate your house or give as a gift.

Instructors: Mary Nelson & Annette Hosmann
All materials supplied - you choose colors and prints
4 sessions Fee $100

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks.

The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur.

You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program.
Limited Scholarships are available.

Training Program Fee $4,500
** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
10:00 am12:00 pm

Rent a Longarm Quilting Machine to Quilt yourself!
To rent a machine you must first attend a Longarm Quilt Machine Operator Training. These classes are generally offered each month. Seats are limited - check our class schedule on the website.

Once you have taken the Operator Training - and been approved to now quilt yourself you can Rent the Longarm machines.
Machine Rental Fees
* Block of 2 hours = $50 minimum
* $15 for each additional hour - time charged in 15m increments
* Fee does not include batting, backing or binding - batting can be purchased for $12 per yd.
* All rental times require pre-registration - NO drop ins!
* Statler Quilting - E2E patterns to choose from

For more inforamtion call 816-888-3051

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
1:00 pm3:00 pm

Rent a Longarm Quilting Machine to Quilt yourself!
To rent a machine you must first attend a Longarm Quilt Machine Operator Training. These classes are generally offered each month. Seats are limited - check our class schedule on the website.

Once you have taken the Operator Training - and been approved to now quilt yourself you can Rent the Longarm machines.
Machine Rental Fees
* Block of 2 hours = $50 minimum
* $15 for each additional hour - time charged in 15m increments
* Fee does not include batting, backing or binding - batting can be purchased for $12 per yd.
* All rental times require pre-registration - NO drop ins!
* Statler Quilting - E2E patterns to choose from

For more inforamtion call 816-888-3051

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

Do you want to know what Industrial Productions Sewing is all about? Industrial Sewing machines are what is used in the commercial industry today. These machines allow you to sew faster & handle production type sewing with ease.
This is a 1 session course covering basic operator & safety skills for the Industrial Straight Needle and Serger machines. It covers proper threading and adjusting for different fabrics, proper tension and how to improve your stitch performance. Changing needles and feet and essential machines maintenance. It is taught by Cali Roberta - Industrial Instructor /Production Manager.

This course is REQUIRED prior to rental of an industrial machine @ The Sewing Labs. Class is offered each quarter, so sign up before you want to rent machines. Space is limited.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
5:30 pm8:00 pm

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks. The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur. You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program. Limited Scholarships are available. Training Program Fee $4,500 ** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Thursday, November 10, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Basic Sewing – Phase 1 Part 2 – Building on the skills learned in Part 1 or start where you are.
You will learn seams and seam finishes and then apply this to simple projects.
Learn hems types while making an apron and finally learn buttonholes, hook and snap closures.

Earn a certification thru testing, if wanted. All materials provided. (Sewing Machine Operation or Basic Sewing Part 1 required)
9 sessions of 2.5 hrs. Fee $270

Thursday, November 10, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Friday, November 11, 2022
10:00 am3:00 pm

Open Stitch Fridays - This is a time for you to come together to stitch. Bring your own projects of sewing, quilting, knitting, crochet, weaving, embroidery, other fiber arts to work on. You can use our stash, our domestic sewing machines, tools etc. NO instruction is offered but, there just might be someone else in the room to ask.
Domestic Machines are available - NO Industrial machines offered.

Event occurs most Fridays from 10-3
FREE to the public - ages 10 - beyond (children under 13 must be accompanies by an adult and be working on project)

Friday, November 11, 2022
4:30 pm8:00 pm

Longarm Quilt Operator Training - learn to operate the Gammill Statler Stitcher or Gammill Class Stitch Regulated Free Motion machine. This course is required if you want to rent our machines.
You will learn:
* Preparing your quilt
* Preparing the machine
* Loading your quilt
* Gammill Statler Stitcher CAD system
* Gammill Classic Stitch Regulated - Hand driven quilting
* Off loading your quilt
* Tips & Tricks & recommendations

What to Bring to Class
* Face Mask - if desired for COVID
* a willingness to learn and make mistakes
* Bring snack if wanted
* You will learn on practice fabric - you can bring a quilt for discussion but, it may or may not be used for instruction

Intro to Garments - This course takes you from Basic Sewing into Garment Elements and Construction. You will be introduced to patterns, fabric & fiber types. You will learn to decipher sewing vocabulary gaining understanding and making samples of facings & linings, curved seams and corners, darts, tucks and gathers. You will learn the proper way to cut out a garment while making a simple top. This course involves a lot of sewing and sewing homework to assure your success. Basic Sewing Machine skills are required or take Basic Sewing Part 1 @ TSL

Course consists of 10 weeks of 2.5 hour sessions
All materials included with course - you can choose fabric for top from our stash or provide your own. More information will be given during course.

Course Fee - $300.00

Saturday, November 12, 2022
1:00 pm3:30 pm
526 Campbell
Kansas City, MO 64106

Basic Sewing - Phase 1 - This course if for a beginner who has never sewn before or for someone who has not sewn for awhile and needs a refresher course. You will learn to operate a domestic sewing machine including threading, basic operation and safety & maintenance. You will also learn the tools of the trade and more while making some simple projects & a tool caddy. Each week you will learn a new skill and you will have home practice work to complete. At the end of this course you can earn a certification thru testing. This course is also part of our Sewing Salon program - for employment, entrepreneurship and enrichment.

This course will be lead by Cali Roberta on Saturdays & Robert Lackie - on week days -Classroom Instructors for Domestic machine.

All materials and supplies are included with this course. You can use our machines & tools or bring your own to learn with.

This course will get you back to sewing and then you can continue to more courses for additional certificates or just for self enrichment.
Limited Scholarships are available - please fill our scholarship form or contact us directly for more information.

Monday, November 14, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks.

The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur.

You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program.
Limited Scholarships are available.

Training Program Fee $4,500
** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Intro to Garments - This course takes you from Basic Sewing into Garment Elements and Construction. You will be introduced to patterns, fabric & fiber types. You will learn to decipher sewing vocabulary gaining understanding and making samples of facings & linings, curved seams and corners, darts, tucks and gathers. You will learn the proper way to cut out a garment while making a simple top. This course involves a lot of sewing and sewing homework to assure your success.

Course consists of 10 weeks of 2.5 hour sessions
All materials included with course - you can choose fabric for top from our stash or provide your own. More information will be given during course.

Course Fee - $300.00

Monday, November 14, 2022
5:30 pm8:00 pm

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks. The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur. You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program. Limited Scholarships are available. Training Program Fee $4,500 ** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am
526 Campbell
Kansas City, MO 64106

Basic Sewing - Phase 1 - This course if for a beginner who has never sewn before or for someone who has not sewn for awhile and needs a refresher course. You will learn to operate a domestic sewing machine including threading, basic operation and safety & maintenance. You will also learn the tools of the trade and more while making some simple projects & a tool caddy. Each week you will learn a new skill and you will have home practice work to complete. At the end of this course you can earn a certification thru testing. This course is also part of our Sewing Salon program - for employment, entrepreneurship and enrichment.

This course will be lead by Cali Roberta on Saturdays & Robert Lackie - on week days -Classroom Instructors for Domestic machine.

All materials and supplies are included with this course. You can use our machines & tools or bring your own to learn with.

This course will get you back to sewing and then you can continue to more courses for additional certificates or just for self enrichment.
Limited Scholarships are available - please fill our scholarship form or contact us directly for more information.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
6:00 pm8:00 pm

Learn to make half square triangles while crafting this fun "twisted" table runner. This is a intermediate project that will be great to decorate your house or give as a gift.

Instructors: Mary Nelson & Annette Hosmann
All materials supplied - you choose colors and prints
4 sessions Fee $100

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
9:00 am1:00 pm

Longarm Quilt Operator Training - learn to operate the Gammill Statler Stitcher or Gammill Class Stitch Regulated Free Motion machine. This course is required if you want to rent our machines.
You will learn:
* Preparing your quilt
* Preparing the machine
* Loading your quilt
* Gammill Statler Stitcher CAD system
* Gammill Classic Stitch Regulated - Hand driven quilting
* Off loading your quilt
* Tips & Tricks & recommendations

What to Bring to Class
* Face Mask - if desired for COVID
* a willingness to learn and make mistakes
* Bring snack if wanted
* You will learn on practice fabric - you can bring a quilt for discussion but, it may or may not be used for instruction

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks.

The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur.

You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program.
Limited Scholarships are available.

Training Program Fee $4,500
** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
5:30 pm8:00 pm

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks. The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur. You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program. Limited Scholarships are available. Training Program Fee $4,500 ** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Thursday, November 17, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Basic Sewing – Phase 1 Part 2 – Building on the skills learned in Part 1 or start where you are.
You will learn seams and seam finishes and then apply this to simple projects.
Learn hems types while making an apron and finally learn buttonholes, hook and snap closures.

Earn a certification thru testing, if wanted. All materials provided. (Sewing Machine Operation or Basic Sewing Part 1 required)
9 sessions of 2.5 hrs. Fee $270

Thursday, November 17, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Friday, November 18, 2022
10:00 am3:00 pm

Open Stitch Fridays - This is a time for you to come together to stitch. Bring your own projects of sewing, quilting, knitting, crochet, weaving, embroidery, other fiber arts to work on. You can use our stash, our domestic sewing machines, tools etc. NO instruction is offered but, there just might be someone else in the room to ask.
Domestic Machines are available - NO Industrial machines offered.

Event occurs most Fridays from 10-3
FREE to the public - ages 10 - beyond (children under 13 must be accompanies by an adult and be working on project)

Changing Lives for the better, one stitch at a Time -
The Sewing Labs was founded by women entrepreneurs who realized the power of a sewing machine and how it can lead to a life of financial dignity, creativity and entrepreneurial success. Come learn the HERstory of this organization and how The Sewing Labs is changing people’s lives for the better, one stitch at a time. At this session, you will meet a panel of successful entrepreneurs and learn about the challenges and benefits of the current sewn marketplace in the greater Kansas City region. Our panelists will discuss innovation in the industry, future growth patterns, what you need to plan to be successful and resources available to support the industry.

The Sewing Labs is a welcoming and inclusive community teaching the legacy of sewing for employment, entrepreneurship and enrichment.

Friday, November 18, 2022
4:30 pm8:00 pm

Rent a Longarm Quilting Machine to Quilt yourself!
To rent a machine you must first attend a Longarm Quilt Machine Operator Training. These classes are generally offered each month. Seats are limited - check our class schedule on the website.

Once you have taken the Operator Training - and been approved to now quilt yourself you can Rent the Longarm machines.
Machine Rental Fees
* Block of 2 hours = $50 minimum
* $15 for each additional hour - time charged in 15m increments
* Fee does not include batting, backing or binding - batting can be purchased for $12 per yd.
* All rental times require pre-registration - NO drop ins!
* Statler Quilting - E2E patterns to choose from

For more inforamtion call 816-888-3051

Friday, November 18, 2022
6:00 pm8:00 pm

Come check out Downtown SEWcial @ The Sewing Labs.
Each month we welcome you into our community and space to meet new friends. This is your opportunity to network with fellow stitchers, Professional sewists, Salon Sewing Students, employers from the Kansas City Market and agencies that support individuals into our program. This is a great networking opportunity if you want/need a job in sewing. If you are looking to hire sewists or if you are wanting to find out how you can support this pipeline .
This is a gathering where you can come to stitch together - work on our community projects or your own.
Or just come enjoy a night out with us.

Most months on the 3rd Friday from 6-9 The Sewing Labs offers an "open house" atmosphere . We will have light refreshments for your to enjoy! You never know who you will run into!

Saturday, November 19, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Intro to Garments - This course takes you from Basic Sewing into Garment Elements and Construction. You will be introduced to patterns, fabric & fiber types. You will learn to decipher sewing vocabulary gaining understanding and making samples of facings & linings, curved seams and corners, darts, tucks and gathers. You will learn the proper way to cut out a garment while making a simple top. This course involves a lot of sewing and sewing homework to assure your success.

Course consists of 10 weeks of 2.5 hour sessions
All materials included with course - you can choose fabric for top from our stash or provide your own. More information will be given during course.

Course Fee - $300.00

Saturday, November 19, 2022
1:00 pm3:30 pm
526 Campbell
Kansas City, MO 64106

Basic Sewing - Phase 1 - This course if for a beginner who has never sewn before or for someone who has not sewn for awhile and needs a refresher course. You will learn to operate a domestic sewing machine including threading, basic operation and safety & maintenance. You will also learn the tools of the trade and more while making some simple projects & a tool caddy. Each week you will learn a new skill and you will have home practice work to complete. At the end of this course you can earn a certification thru testing. This course is also part of our Sewing Salon program - for employment, entrepreneurship and enrichment.

This course will be lead by Cali Roberta on Saturdays & Robert Lackie - on week days -Classroom Instructors for Domestic machine.

All materials and supplies are included with this course. You can use our machines & tools or bring your own to learn with.

This course will get you back to sewing and then you can continue to more courses for additional certificates or just for self enrichment.
Limited Scholarships are available - please fill our scholarship form or contact us directly for more information.

Monday, November 21, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks.

The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur.

You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program.
Limited Scholarships are available.

Training Program Fee $4,500
** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Intro to Garments - This course takes you from Basic Sewing into Garment Elements and Construction. You will be introduced to patterns, fabric & fiber types. You will learn to decipher sewing vocabulary gaining understanding and making samples of facings & linings, curved seams and corners, darts, tucks and gathers. You will learn the proper way to cut out a garment while making a simple top. This course involves a lot of sewing and sewing homework to assure your success.

Course consists of 10 weeks of 2.5 hour sessions
All materials included with course - you can choose fabric for top from our stash or provide your own. More information will be given during course.

Course Fee - $300.00

Monday, November 21, 2022
5:30 pm8:00 pm

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks. The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur. You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program. Limited Scholarships are available. Training Program Fee $4,500 ** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Tuesday, November 22, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am
526 Campbell
Kansas City, MO 64106

Basic Sewing - Phase 1 - This course if for a beginner who has never sewn before or for someone who has not sewn for awhile and needs a refresher course. You will learn to operate a domestic sewing machine including threading, basic operation and safety & maintenance. You will also learn the tools of the trade and more while making some simple projects & a tool caddy. Each week you will learn a new skill and you will have home practice work to complete. At the end of this course you can earn a certification thru testing. This course is also part of our Sewing Salon program - for employment, entrepreneurship and enrichment.

This course will be lead by Cali Roberta on Saturdays & Robert Lackie - on week days -Classroom Instructors for Domestic machine.

All materials and supplies are included with this course. You can use our machines & tools or bring your own to learn with.

This course will get you back to sewing and then you can continue to more courses for additional certificates or just for self enrichment.
Limited Scholarships are available - please fill our scholarship form or contact us directly for more information.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Every 4th Tuesday - watch for times

We want you to volunteer at The Sewing Labs!
This is a one session orientation training which will give you an overview of the mission of The Sewing Labs and how you can serve as a volunteer.
Orientation will cover;
* Mission of TSL
* Opportunities for volunteers from the classroom to community to boardroom
* Rules of operation and safety precautions for everyone in the program and more.

We want you to do what your heart & hands love.
Even if you just want to find out more before deciding to volunteer. This is a great opportunity to explore what The Sewing Labs is all about.
All volunteers are expected to go thru an orientation within the first 90 days of service Pre-registration is requested.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022
6:00 pm8:00 pm

Learn to make half square triangles while crafting this fun "twisted" table runner. This is a intermediate project that will be great to decorate your house or give as a gift.

Instructors: Mary Nelson & Annette Hosmann
All materials supplied - you choose colors and prints
4 sessions Fee $100

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks.

The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur.

You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program.
Limited Scholarships are available.

Training Program Fee $4,500
** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
10:00 am12:00 pm

Rent a Longarm Quilting Machine to Quilt yourself!
To rent a machine you must first attend a Longarm Quilt Machine Operator Training. These classes are generally offered each month. Seats are limited - check our class schedule on the website.

Once you have taken the Operator Training - and been approved to now quilt yourself you can Rent the Longarm machines.
Machine Rental Fees
* Block of 2 hours = $50 minimum
* $15 for each additional hour - time charged in 15m increments
* Fee does not include batting, backing or binding - batting can be purchased for $12 per yd.
* All rental times require pre-registration - NO drop ins!
* Statler Quilting - E2E patterns to choose from

For more inforamtion call 816-888-3051

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
1:00 pm3:00 pm

Rent a Longarm Quilting Machine to Quilt yourself!
To rent a machine you must first attend a Longarm Quilt Machine Operator Training. These classes are generally offered each month. Seats are limited - check our class schedule on the website.

Once you have taken the Operator Training - and been approved to now quilt yourself you can Rent the Longarm machines.
Machine Rental Fees
* Block of 2 hours = $50 minimum
* $15 for each additional hour - time charged in 15m increments
* Fee does not include batting, backing or binding - batting can be purchased for $12 per yd.
* All rental times require pre-registration - NO drop ins!
* Statler Quilting - E2E patterns to choose from

For more inforamtion call 816-888-3051

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

Just in time for cooler weather - make a quick, simple cardigan to keep you warm.
Cali Roberta will lead you to make a cardigan using simple lines from wool or medium weight fabrics from our stash.
Learn to use French seams for a professional finish.
This garment makes a great gift for someone special.

All materials included Fee $ $45

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
5:30 pm8:00 pm

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks. The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur. You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program. Limited Scholarships are available. Training Program Fee $4,500 ** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Thursday, November 24, 2022Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Sewing Labs will be closed from Thursday November 24th through Sunday November 27th
so that our students, volunteers and staff can enjoy the holiday with family and friends.

Classes will resume on Monday November 28th.

Monday, November 28, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks.

The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur.

You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program.
Limited Scholarships are available.

Training Program Fee $4,500
** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Intro to Garments - This course takes you from Basic Sewing into Garment Elements and Construction. You will be introduced to patterns, fabric & fiber types. You will learn to decipher sewing vocabulary gaining understanding and making samples of facings & linings, curved seams and corners, darts, tucks and gathers. You will learn the proper way to cut out a garment while making a simple top. This course involves a lot of sewing and sewing homework to assure your success.

Course consists of 10 weeks of 2.5 hour sessions
All materials included with course - you can choose fabric for top from our stash or provide your own. More information will be given during course.

Course Fee - $300.00

Monday, November 28, 2022
5:30 pm8:00 pm

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks. The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur. You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program. Limited Scholarships are available. Training Program Fee $4,500 ** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Tuesday, November 29, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am
526 Campbell
Kansas City, MO 64106

Basic Sewing - Phase 1 - This course if for a beginner who has never sewn before or for someone who has not sewn for awhile and needs a refresher course. You will learn to operate a domestic sewing machine including threading, basic operation and safety & maintenance. You will also learn the tools of the trade and more while making some simple projects & a tool caddy. Each week you will learn a new skill and you will have home practice work to complete. At the end of this course you can earn a certification thru testing. This course is also part of our Sewing Salon program - for employment, entrepreneurship and enrichment.

This course will be lead by Cali Roberta on Saturdays & Robert Lackie - on week days -Classroom Instructors for Domestic machine.

All materials and supplies are included with this course. You can use our machines & tools or bring your own to learn with.

This course will get you back to sewing and then you can continue to more courses for additional certificates or just for self enrichment.
Limited Scholarships are available - please fill our scholarship form or contact us directly for more information.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Wednesday, November 30, 2022
9:00 am11:30 am

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks.

The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur.

You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program.
Limited Scholarships are available.

Training Program Fee $4,500
** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process

Wednesday, November 30, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

Create this fun oversized bag - Great for carrying EVERTHING!
Use home décor remnants to craft a one of a kind bag using contrasting materials, that has multiple uses.
All materials supplied from our stash.

Instructor - Cali Roberta
Class Fee = $50

Wednesday, November 30, 2022
1:00 pm4:00 pm

We are excited to continue the Sewing as a Universal Language partnership with Literacy KC & The Sewing Labs.
This class is sponsored and scheduled through Literacy KC & Don Bosco. Participants are enrolled through Literacy KC. Participants will be enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) at Literacy KC and take Basic Sewing Part 1 & 2 at The Sewing Labs.
For registration information please contact Literacy KC @ 816-333-9332

Wednesday, November 30, 2022
5:30 pm8:00 pm

Prepare yourself for employment or entrepreneurship in the profession of sewing. The Sewing Salon Training Program @ The Sewing Labs is a 1 year program with a commitment of up to 30 weeks of hands-on sewing instruction on both domestic and industrial machines and entrepreneurial business training to support you and an Apprenticeship Program with a local Kansas City Business covering the remaining 20 weeks. The Sewing Labs is a Registered Apprenticeship Training Operation with the Missouri Department of Labor and the United States Department of Labor. Student who complete this Apprenticeship program will receive multiple certificates including The Sewing Labs Certificate in Domestic Sewing Skills, Certificate in Industrial Sewing Skills and the US DOL Certificate of Apprenticeship. Each of these certificates represent a significate accomplishment by the student and a great addition to their resume whether they will become a employee or an entrepreneur. You will learn the fundamentals of the craft of sewing, Industrial productions methods and participate in site tours to local businesses who are actively seeking to hire Industrial Sewing Machine Operators. A tool kit is provided. Participants must participant in an entrance interview & assessment to be accepted into the program. Limited Scholarships are available. Training Program Fee $4,500 ** If you are need of financial assistance please apply for scholarship - these are limited and must go through approval process