Industrial Basics - Sewing Salon - wk 1/10

Occurs Every Monday & Thursday
526 Campbell
Kansas City , MO 64106

Industrial Production Basics - This course will introduce you to the entry level sewing skills needed to get a job in sewing as a profession.
This course covers introduction to industrial straight needle & serger. Machine operation & troubleshooting. Tools of the trade, threads, needles, tension and various feet for production. You will learn production skills for accuracy & speed using real work samples, real work-room site tours included – when possible.
Taught by Cali Roberta, Industrial Instructor and Production Manager.

Classes occurs Mon & Wed for 3 hours 9am - 12 pm.
Course consists of hands-on sewing, class lectures, lab work and homework. Includes Tool Kit & materials.

Limited scholarships are available - ask for application.
10 weeks with 2 – 3-hour sessions per week, Fee $800 or 2 payments of $400