Make'n HERstory

Friday, August 18, 2023
6:00 pm9:00 pm

Come celebrate with us and learn about the people and the mission at The Sewing Labs.

This event is an evening filled with inspiring stories, good food & drink and making new friends and connections.
Show your support by attending our annual signature fundraiser - 2023 themed - Make'n HERStory.
A Silent Auction will be present for your shopping pleasure.
Held at 28 Event Space in the Kansas City Room - 1300 W 28th Street. KCMO 64108

Also available are
Sponsorships - show off your business or brand with a sponsorship for this event.
Silent Auction Donations - donate a fun item, service, event or gift card to be used in our silent auction
Centerpiece Contest - show off your creative flare and enter the win $250 for crafting a center piece for the event.

Tickets are available now.
Single tickets are $135
Table of 8 = $1,000

There are limited seats available - you don't want to miss this!