Hand-stitching 101 - Session #2

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
1:00 pm3:30 pm

Hand stitching techniques are a MUST KNOW for sewists from beginner to advanced. Sometimes hand stitching is the perfect solution for small/tight areas, delicate things or repairs. Learn step-by-step how to master essential sewing stitches that you can use almost anywhere. This class is a offered as tow (2) separate classes and will complement to any of your sewing skills.

Session #1 - Learn - Running Stitch, Overhand Stitch, Ladder Stitch, Even Backstitch, Blanket Stitch, Chain stitch
Session #2 - Learn - Whip Stitch, Cross-stitch, Basting Stitch, Tailor's Tack, Flat Catchstitch, Blind- hemming stitch

Instructor - Robert Lackie
Fee - $20 per session or $35 for both