Regardless of what you can give to our organization, everyone has a part in bringing the job training and sewing arts alive in our community. There are countless ways to get involved with our organization.
There are so many ways that you can get involved with The Sewing Labs
- Be a Financial Donor - your financial gift supports our clients by empowering, validating and enhancing opportunities in the marketplace for Industrial Sewing Machine Operators
- Volunteers - we need you to be present - teaching, helping, organizing donations, working behind the scenes
- Teachers & Artists & Entrepreneurs - You can share your creative spirit to raise people up to see how the art of sewing can create a better life and/or way to earn a living.
- In-Kind Donations - sharing your sewing-type in-kind donations of fabrics, tools, notions, sewing machines and more allows us to not only have supplies for our training programs but, also allows our sewists to have access to these items for continued practice and learning.
- Be an Heartfelt "Ambas-sew-dor" - share our story with others to continue to drive a movement to secure the "legacy of sewing" for the next generation.
- Business Partnerships - Do you have sewing in your business? We need you to become "On the Job" Apprenticeship hosts and/or make the connection for our sewists to gain financial dignity.
Thank you for a piece of your heart to complete our community